Thursday, 27 June 2013

Hi Room 3
We have started writing letters back to you, but must apologise because we've been quite busy. We had a day the school was closed because of the rain and flooding, and Mrs Porritt also went home one day because of the flooding. She also had a day where she couldn't get to school because it was snowing at her house.
Tomorrow we are going to a Matariki celebration in Waimate and some of our art is on display. The school Kapahaka group will be performing. We will try to get some photos and maybe movie up for you to view. Hope we get our letters to you before the holidays. :)

Monday, 6 May 2013

Hi Room 3
We hope you enjoyed our letters.
How were your holidays?
We made a book for you and we are hoping to load it onto the blog and send you a copy.
From your buddies.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Some more photos from us in the South

We have three chickens and get lots of eggs. Our class looks after them.

 Everyone in the school joined together to make 5 different mosaics, they are displayed around the school.
 We did an experiment on explosions. This was a mentos in coke. It was fun. The record is 9metres high ours was not very good. this is how high it went.
You can see the Pacific Ocean from our school gates. It is at the end of this road, across State Highway 1.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Hi St Andrews!

Hi Room 3,

Thank you for your photos.  We have so much to share with you!  Here is a picture of our playground.

We also have a native area at the back of the school that we have planted with native plants.

We were interested to see the photo of your school - here is a picture of our classroom.  We think it looks a bit like your school!

On Friday we went on a trip to the rocky shore and found lots of creatures.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Hi our Room 3 Epal buddies.
Your letters arrived today and the children were really excited. We will work on our replies next week.
Mrs Porritt. :)

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

This is Room 3. We love being outside.

Our field has a full size rugby field with an artificial cricket pitch in the middle. Our field goes as far as the trees in the background. We have been swimming and having cricket coaching. What do you do for P.E.

We love to play on our adventure playground, but it is in need of an upgrade. Have you got a cool playgound?

Thursday, 21 February 2013